Thanks for the comments AntiKryptonite.

Very good ending! I always love stories with happy endings!
What a coincidence, me too. laugh

The climax to Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites of all time and I'm not ashamed to admit I cry when I watch it so it was nice to see the great treatment you gave it here. Love the sentence about Clark's night exploding as Lois said the magic words.
I'm glad you liked my treatment. I had to use the "It is you" recognition from there.

How sad and insightful and Clark all at the same time that he's afraid people would reject him again. I feel for him. This is a sweet fairy tale so it doesn't have to go into the darkness of his years alone, but I thought you wove in those truths very well throughout the story.
I'm glad I conveyed it well without having to delve too deep. I thought it was the right amount for the story so I'm glad you seem to agree.

I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.