Well here we are at the end finally. I started this story a decade ago (looks like first posting I can find of it was March 05, 2002). Much has changed since then. When I originally planned this story so much was different, there was no Kryptonite and Lois just saw the Beast fall, unhurt of course she didn't know that, and confessed her love before he could reassure her. But as I was writing, sneaky Lex got Kryptonite. evil

One of the first scenes I wrote when I started writing again in April was Lex and Clark fighting, it just wouldn't leave me until I put it on paper. This meant I did something I almost never do, wrote out of order. My plans change so much while I write, the end rarely looks as planned in the beginning. So rather than rewrite, or wedge in, I normally leave it to the last. But it worked for this story.

I'm wondering if anyone has guesses to where I started new material, for those who read the older posts I did have some written material I never posted form ay back when. I'm just wondering if there's an obvious change at some point.

Anyway hope everyone enjoyed the story. As always, all comments are welcome.

I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.