Originally posted by Sydney:
So, "cousin Jimmy" (Season one) is dead in this Lois'dimension and was replaced by Season 2 Jimmy.
But if "cousin Jimmy" was saved in DreamClark's dimension, does it mean that in DreamClark's dimension, Jimmy is the same in Season one and Season 2 (no Justin?). confused confused
DreamClark dimension is basically canon (what happened on the show). That dimension is still alive and kicking and both its Lois and Clark are fine (at the moment; who knows with those two). Let's just say that in this story I'm implying that Jimmy S1 and Jimmy S2-S4 are cousins (explains the same name but different personalities and looks). What happens to S1 Jimmy and how Justin's Jimmy became the Jimmy S2-S4 is explained further in Book 2. (This was the rough edges story twist I apologized for as it was a late addition. But I couldn't change it in Book 2 and then NOT have it in Book 1, right?)

help I'm sorry but I am not allowed to answer that question in more detail without revealing spoilers for Book 2. My apologies.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.