Originally posted by scifiJoan:
I like the sound of that!

Joan, I think I've gone over on my use of Evil Calvin... Let's see, how about these guys? [Linked Image]

Michael: You're too funny! clap

/whispers/Start out in Word
It takes 21 days to change a habit.

Lois gets to be mad at him? For...umm...lie-dreaming?
[Linked Image] You're right that could *never* happen.

No. Kinda. Was going for his being...well...umm...not outside of Lois?
Okay, I'm just going to have to conceed that we're both in the gutter on this one.

imagines Lois meeting Jimmy while wearing the mask. He's so gonna have to burn his undergarments...

No idea. There's so many more handsome and so many more rich guys out there. Even a guy who can kind of glide to the Earth on his own power.
Really? Who's that? Do you mean in her RL or her dream life? If in her Dream Life, got it! If in her real life, Batman?

Virginia. Godzilla Doll. Found one!
/Makes note to self not to believe any notes slid annoyomously across the desktop.../ Oooh! Lookie! Superman's spaceship! Hee-hee. MINE!

cat Stupid honeypot...
You wouldn't believe the co-ink-a-dink. Speaking of big green lizard dudes... /Changes name of current Book 2 file... AGAIN.../ [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.