/mutters/We really need a deadpan smiley.
And a fanning-self smiley. A face-palm smiley. Ooooh. How about a smiley with a sheepish smile who suddenly gets hit by the green 2x4? I could use that one. And...

For record keeping purposes: /me would never accidentally use a cheesy line based on iconic Star Wars quote/
Of course your wouldn't. cool (that was subbing in for the deadpan smiley)

As in 'did I just cause a mild case of PTSD in my readers by telling them there will be a break in the EOD schedule?'
Oopsie! laugh blush

BTW: EOD? Estimated online date? huh I don't speak abv. well.

Bill Jr. got rid of Bill Sr. and used same landfill. Since Bill Sr. was absent from episode and is also absent in story
I'm assuming Bill Sr. is where he is in canon in this episode, recovering from his heart attack by seducing :p his nurse, Mindy. Sorry, I will not allow an increase in BC for Bill Sr. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.