hyper More FDK!

Deadly Chakram: Thanks for the indepth comments! laugh

Well that's different!... Dream?
Yep, in this story large passages in italics are dreams or things written down (usually also dreams).

Well, there's a new attitude from Lois!
Ah, poor Lois is suffering from the unrequited love that she developed for Clark before walking down the aisle to Luthor.

For a professional wordsmith, she sure isn't all that good with words sometimes.
For a wordsmith, she has no courage to say to her crush what she actually feels. (Been there, it sucks. See comments on your story - same guy.)

Oooh! Bad Jimmy! I approve!

<Bangs on Clark's head like it's a malfunctioning piece of machinery>
laugh Good thing he's invulnerable.

Clark took a deep breath. “Lois, I’m…”

“Superman?” She was starting to sound like a broken record and decided to try a different tactic instead.

I LOVE this.
How to give the Man of Steel a dent.

Oh Clark! <locks him away in a bouncy castle for a while until he can think straight>
You might have remembered me saying somewhere (on the WAFFy thread) that Clark was a big lunkhead in this story. :rolleyes:

Fantastic! No groaning or eye rolling here. Just a lot of laughing out loud! Can't wait to read more!
Whew! I'll take lol over :rolleyes: , anyday. Glad you likes. Thank you.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.