Thanks, Corrina!

That's my favorite part, too. I'm sort of a sucker for despondent Clark.

I don't really know what Clark misunderstood. I took that from the script of We Have a Lot to Talk About. At some point Lois said that Clark misunderstood her.

Actually, I just checked the script again and I don't see it, so I don't know exactly where I got it from. I may have interpreted it from something else she said.

Anyway, my assumption is that Clark misunderstood her answer to his proposal. He took it as "No, I don't want to marry you," and what Lois meant was "No, I'm not ready to be engaged to you right at this moment, right after learning this big secret about you. I need some time to get used it, and then ask again."

So, that's what I was thinking when I wrote it.

And Michael - if that plot bunny turns into anything (or anything else materializes on your screen), please let me know!