Another excellent chapter, even if my blood is boiling along with Clark's that the Dirt Digger violated them like that. grumble

Question -- isn't there any type of legal action L&C (or the police) can take against the Dirt Digger for publishing photographs that were obtained through the commission of a crime? Even if the tabloid claims they purchased the photographs from someone else and didn't break in themselves to plan the bugs, you'd think the police would be able to make their lives difficult for awhile by naming them as accessory to a crime, or receiving stolen goods, or having a judge find them in contempt of court for not naming their sources, or something along those lines. Hauling the publisher or editor in for questioning a few times about who might have planted the bugs might at least make them think twice before doing something like that again (especially if the DP gets the exclusive on the story. wink ). Or if the reporter is in jail, she can't be out there spying on L&C. Seems like the kind of favor Henderson might be happy to provide. evil

As for the Barry Dunning report ...

There are probably just as many people out there who disagree with him.”
I keep having to remind myself that this takes place 15 years ago, and the L&C universe is a lot more "innocent" than ours ... but I'd think there'd be more than "just as many people out there who disagree with him". I don't know the statistics of adults living together outside marriage, or having sex outside marriage in the mid-1990's, but I would bet Clark jumped into the majority when he made love with Lois. After all, just a year after this on the show, Lois was shocked that Clark was a virgin. Not that Barry Dunning would ever let something as simple as the facts get in the way of his story, but it might be more reassuring to Lois, if not Clark.

Needless to say, I'm well and truly sucked into this story! And I'm still really, really hoping that all the slimeballs in Metropolis get what's coming to them! wildguy
