I've always hated the episode "The Eyes Have It" and thus I put off reading your tale. Even though I've loved your past tales I just put it off. Then seeing a sequel I went and read the whole of Blind (Super)Man\'s Bluff Episode 1: Life Itself .

Wow, you did a wonderful job. Really great fun and it holds together so well. I am really looking froward to "Blind (Super)Man’s Bluff - Episode 2: Testing Point".

I do wonder how you are planning on handling the Mayson Drake issue.

The forwardness of Mayson in inviting Clark to go away with her for the weekend left a bad taste and also made me dislike that episode.

Add in the "helpfulness" of the Kents and I never could believe that neither Lois or Mayson figured out that Clark is Superman.

With Clark disappearing right after Superman was blinded, then Lois going to Smallville and Superman still nowhere in sight, Mayson has to have figured out that Clark is Superman. so having a blind Clark Kent arrive in town won't be a shock or a revelation for her.

I don't know how you are going to develop the relationship between Mayson and Lois, and yes I mean Mayson and Lois, as clearly there won't be one between Mayson and Clark.

For a fanfic I never finished I developed an entire backstory for Mayson that explains how forward she was from the getgo. I'm sure she like everyone else could see how Clark felt about Lois, so why did she go after Clark, and do so in such an aggressive way?

In my mind Mayson Drake is the daughter of Paul Drake and Della Street Drake, named for her godfather, Perry Mason. I dismissed the spelling as an attempt to feminize Perry's last name so Mayson could go by "May" if she wanted a more feminine name.

Anyone who looks at the triangle of Perry Mason, Della Street and Paul Drake, can easily relate it to the triangle of Superman, Lois Lane and Clark Kent.

In Mayson's mind when she went after Clark it was a bit of a horse race. After all, everyone seeing Lois and Clark knows Clark is waiting for Lois to tire of waiting for Superman and turn to him.

So the only question in Mayson's mind is would Clark tire of waiting for Lois before Lois tired of waiting for Superman.

By going after Clark as she did it might have forced Lois to either wake up and turn her full attention to Clark or Clark to give up on Lois.

Now that Mayson knows Clark is Superman she knows that if Clark ever did tire of waiting for Lois he wouldn't turn away from her but instead reveal all to her.

So Mayson will have had time to figure all of this out while Lois and Clark have been in Smallville working things out.
