An interesting twist to how Lois and Clark meet. It's nice to see Lois being the one who falls for Clark first, and a Clark who is more hesitant.

I was a bit confused about the timelines between parts 7 and 8. In part 7, Lois and Clark do "research" for two hours, then go get sandwiches. In part 8, they end up in the park kissing, then go "researching" again for 3 hours. When they get back to the Planet, Perry tells them they have an interview at 5 so they decide to kill time by going to lunch.

If they got to work at 8, spent an hour talking about what to do, 2 hours researching, it would be around 11 o'clock. They go for sandwiches (which I would consider lunch) and then to the park. That's probably another hour or so. Then three hours of more research puts them back to the Planet around 3 o'clock at the earliest. I was suprised they said they would go for lunch when it seemed they already had lunch, and only had about one and a half hours to kill before their interview.

I, too, was suprised Lois didn't feel the need to "talk" to Jimmy. I also like the fact that Lois isn't wanting to waste time with the relationship. It seems like something a person who "jumps in without checking the level" would do.
