My thanks to all who have left feedback. smile

Annalina, glad I could make you laugh.

Lara, I'll grant that Clark 2.0 and Lois are not compatible for reproduction, but they are definitely compatible in all other ways. (See the episode 'Sex, Lies, and Videotapes' for a demonstration thereof.)

Deadly Chakhram, thanks. blush

BJ, the list of new features was definitely the impetus behind the story. I'm thrilled you singled them out.

DW, blush

Elizabeth, blush blush

Mouserocks, at the risk of repeating myself, blush

Virginia, I doubt Lois had intended for Jimmy actually to see that advert. She wrote it just to try to break Clark's mood. But if my muse graces me with a sequel, perhaps we'll find out. I'd love to write a story in which Jimmy discovers and reads the wadded up paper before Clark says anything, but I'm not sure if my muse will let me flesh out that idea or when I'd get a chance to write it. If you or anyone else wishes to write a sequel, be my guest. smile

Thanks again to all who left FDK.
