Cute tale. somehow I missed it until it hit the archive .

You do realize it cries out for a sequel, after all you left a powerless Superman with a dead body and no explanation for the police.

Since Clark is powerless no one, especially the Police, will believe he is Superman.

I wonder what the autopsy will show? Radiation damage? That might get folks thinking the guy in the Superman suit has something to do with Terrorists.

Assuming that the transfer happen as with the lightning in time Clark's body will recharge, in time. But Clark does not know if his powers will ever return.

You said this is AltClark, if this happen just days after his exposure as Superman, interest in Superman might die down.

Of course the military will want to learn how Clark was able to pull off his "hoax" of having super powers.

If they believe he is an alien they might want to "study" him.

With both the device and Clark in police custody all sorts of complications can arise.

With his parents dead, his relationship with Lana over, he has no one to speak up for him. Yes indeed, life could get real interesting for Clark Kent.

Assuming Tempus did away with Lex Luthor, then Luthor's empire is likely beginning to crumble. Thus we can expect all sorts of villeins to arise, and no Superman or reporting team of "Lois & CLark" to put a stop to them.

Might be a very good time for alt-Lois to return from the Congo.
