Well, I hope you like Lois, Darth Michael. It's certainly not my intention to ruin her character; it's just a story that leaves her...ahem...in the dark. smile

Long Legs Lulu actually comes from 'Home Is Where The Hurt Is.' I'd never read anything that used her, but I'm afraid I didn't leave her much better off than that episode did.

And, yes, Lois did try to run. I wasn't sure about it, but after everything else that had happened to her thus far... huh

Luthor likes mind-games, and he's definitely playing with Lois here, hence the talk about the agreement.

A very competent goon, but Luthor wouldn't want to lose that piece of very valuable Kryptonite, would he?

Thanks a lot for the encouragement on the fight scene--they make me nervous. I'm delighted it worked for you.

And, Vicki, I'd love to see this list of yours. wink