Loved this part, too! Realistically, I doubt the elders would change the law after such a short time of having changes thrust upon them. However, also realistically, Clark would never be able to fly, so...I think it worked out great!
Thanks. I'm still considering reworking this chapter to expand on the Elders letting Clark leave (Clark's pleas, not the behind the scenes discussion after they send him out of the room). Not sure though. Once Clark threatens them with no children, the Elders would be backed into a corner.

I'd happy Ching and Zara have their happy ending now, but I'm eager to get back to Lois and Clark now.
Next part! Girl scout's oath! laugh

And really, forty-three people dying in the entire course of a civil war is probably the most bloodless civil war ever.
True. I considered changing that as well. I just felt guilty about decimating the Kryptonian population that much. Yes, I realize they are fictional people, but I still felt bad about it!

/me needs help

One little thing I forgot to mention...the chain Lois gave him to hang her ring on is silver in the show. I don't know if you changed it for a reason, but I thought I'd mention it. Hope it helps.
Oops! Total and utter brain fart on the chain color. Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe I should go back and rewatch the NK arc again.... devil

Again, looking forward to the last part--I've really enjoyed this story!
Thanks! Glad you've enjoyed the ride so far! I hope I can live up to your expectations in the final chapter!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon