We all knew today would come. We all knew that it would be hard on Lois, Clark & Martha. We were prepared, until this part came up. It is ironic that all of the lives changed in the same instant, as if the cosmic gods ran out of pixie dust. (Or Corrina and Goo ran out of excuses to prolong the moment.)

Okay, this was the mother of all boogers, and we are sitting on the edge of our seats to see how you smooth over all this with so few installments left. Don't leave us in limbo for too long, please. We all have ulcers and scars on our fingernails from this story. But I dare say that there was not one reader who wouldn't gladly do this whole thing over again. So, please put us out of our misery, Corrina, and post as soon as you can.

Thanks for this story. "Lois and Clark" would still be on the air if it had writers like this.
