
Although I knew you would end us on the mother of all cliffhangers, I couldn't help but read this part as soon as possible.

I've been terrible at feedback, but I'm as addicted as anyone else to this story.

Poor Martha. Didn't Evan know that the Kryptonite would scare the poor woman out of her wits? And now what will he do, run after her and physically restrain her from leaving his house? He's going to give the poor woman a heart attack. I hope that she responds to her real name.

Poor Evan. He really is a decent man that life threw for a loop (or two). Now he has to own up to the fact that he was part of the operation that held Clark for so long and he did nothing about it until Lois came along. Oh, I hope that he can get Martha to stay and listen to the story of how a woman agent named Lois came along and broke Clark out of prison within the first week on the job. Martha might be a little more understanding about her new daughter-in-law.

Poor Lois. Her gut was telling her that she had to come clean after the Ruby incident and now it's too late. True, it's only been a few days (and what? Less than a month since she was assigned to the operation in Metropolis?), but it would have been so much better if Lois had been the one to tell him.

And most of all, poor Clark. Who can he trust now? And where did he go? Is he going to confront Lois or just fly away and hide?

Please post the next part tomorrow. Pretty, please? With an apple pie on top?