I also didn't expect the very sudden change from Lois' dress hitting the floor to Eric and Daniel' scene. I am happy that Eric is actively looking for Martha and that he is acknowledging the truth - even to Daniel - that the alien didn't kill the two agents and that he should have handled the situation differently.

This was my favourite in that scene:

Eric nodded. "Do you think there is any future to the Superman thing?"

"As in Clark getting back into the costume and helping out again?"


"I don't know," Daniel said. "But I can tell you that he won't do it unless Lois encourages and supports him."

"You think she's *that* important to him?"

"I don't think there's a way to quantify how important Lois is to Clark. Or Superman. They both need her."

"He's a lucky man," Eric said.

"Yeah," Daniel agreed, thinking about the cell. "And that's despite everything Trask and Moyne did to him."
Back to L&C: Seems like you have created "insatiable monsters" with their honeymoon and wanting each other so much (and often) laugh

And it was just cute that Clark wanted to get back to the farm asap, and even though he said to "work", I am sure that is not what he meant - and your preview "proved" that smile

Looking forward to the next part and when Martha (and Jonathan?) will show up hyper
