A nice WAFFY chapter -- even if there was no real kiss yet! thumbsup Your descriptions of Clark's... um, shall we say, delectableness are a lot of fun. laugh

One thing I'm not sure I agree with Lois on --
"Is it going to make this more difficult for you - not being able to share it with me?"

"No," she said.
Ultimately, won't it be more difficult for her? Since she can never forget, won't his past be a burden on her whether or not she wants it to be? This is why I'm of two minds about whether or not Clark should regain his memories. On the one hand, yes it would be great to start over and move forward without the hang-ups and fears of his past. But on the other hand, are they really on equal footing if he does not regain his memories? Isn't Clark going to wonder what was so tragic in his past that caused Lois pain? And is it fair for Lois to carry the weight of both their pasts on her own? Wouldn't they ultimately be stronger for sharing the burden together?

Obviously it's got to come out that he's superpowered -- and I wonder if that will be the trigger switch to other memories...

I trust whatever you have planned will make sense and be satisfying -- but just another testament to the strength of your writing that you've got me thinking about the consequences of various outcomes... wink

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink