Originally posted by EvelynC:
Here on the west coast no one would serve bagels without cream cheese; butter and jelly too, but not without cream cheese.

Someone please tell me if this is different on the east coast/DC. or midwest of the US. ??
Here bagelries would offer cream cheese (often in several different flavours), but many people would not choose to get it, and individuals might well serve bagels sans cream cheese. Evan might simply have chosen not to buy the cream cheese. A lack of cream cheese would not be that big a deal here in my part of the east coast. Are there any denizens of New York City here? If so, what say you?

And since I am posting in this thread anyway, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Corrina publicly for giving us this masterpiece. I usually give her all of my comments at the beta reading stage, but here I'll add my voice to the throngs chanting, "Brava!" clap
