I agree that this was a powerful chapter, both with regard to the emotions and actual content, i.e. the world ending etc.

I think the "screaming match?" between Lois and Clark was good and Clark needed that cry! I agree with Kathy that he hasn't really let his emotions out until now and that, like Lois grieved, he needs to let out some of those bottled up feelings.

Wow on Menzies and Scardino. Glad the latter grew a backbone and I think the most powerful line from that part was:

Would he be willing to save the planet that had treated him so abominably?
But he is Clark and he can't stand by knowing people is/will be hurt or that it will mean the end of earth.

Oh, I am also even more convinced (not that I needed to be though) that P29 will be the mother of all EVIL cliffhangers!

Looking forward to P28!


ETD: I forgot to mention, but I think what Moyne did was very Moyne of him.