AntiK I'm glad you liked the plot of the novel. smile Having readers with shared background knowledge makes it possible to add an occasional inside joke.

You're right - they aren't at the beginning anymore. They have made a lot of progress already - although there is still a lot to do.

Laura I know the progress seems slow wink I could have made Clark's imprisonment much less traumatic, and then things could realistically happen more quickly and easily. However, all I can hope is that when we get to the end, you will think that all the twists and turns and roadblocks were worthwhile.

(My reply sounds like I thought you were criticising. I know you weren't - even though your comments came with a threat of tickling!)

RE - posting schedule. If I leave you on a cliffy, (and that wasn't *really* a cliffy) I do try to shorten the wait between parts. However, to do that, the other breaks need to be about 3 days. Once I have Highway finished, perhaps I'll try for an EOD schedule.

Joy Good point. Martha and Jonathan are vital to this story - without their love and guidance, Clark probably couldn't have survived the cell as well as he did.

Evelyn They escaped from the cell on Friday - it is now Sunday, nine days later.

In some ways, these chapters are all about time - slowing down the rollercoaster ride to give them (and us) a chance to draw breath.

Patrick Finding the suit on the farm? Uhmm. Interesting.

Bellarase Clark trying to do what's best for Lois is an essential part of LnC for me.


Plus, it's just not fair to torture Lois:
Could this be considered a little counter-balancing for all the months canon-Clark had to wait and wait and wait for Lois?

I'm sure this isn't a spoiler ... Lois ends up with Clark. party A little waiting won't hurt her too much.

I'm not really sure if you're trying to drive them or us crazy!
Neither? LOL.

Lois has just had an encounter with Moyne - the sort of man who can contaminate the most beautiful of things. What if Clark kisses her before she's ready? What if she has an instinctive negative reaction?

Clark is naturally cautious. Because of his lack of experience, he can't even guess her most likely reaction.

When the time is right, he will kiss her.

But meanwhile - sorry about the delay!!

Thanks everyone for your feedback,
