Hello Corinna,

Still reading your story even if I don't often -I confess- leave comments, not because I don't like them, they're just great ! But comment are not my best part.

So to go straight, I will just stay it was really a sweet chapter, Lois begins to feel herself again, it was a great idea to take the Apple pie's receipt to please Clark.
I hope it will recall sweet memories, without too much pain because he missed all this time with his parents and still doesn't know where his mom is.
Will Lois burn the Apple Pie or will she succeed, eager to know the end of this ! lol
I am glad Clark took himself in hand and went to Smallville. It's good the people of Smallville don't pressure him to talk about what happened. I like the moment when Dave cut Maisie before she overwhelmed Clark with her questions and babbling.

Always waiting for the suite, keep going, Corinna, your writing is just so amazing !
