Kathy expressed my sentiments exactly... I was so anxious for this post and if anything at the end of it, I was even more desperate for the next (several) post(s). laugh

I'm glad Rachel is a competent sheriff and did not take Moyne's story without questions. How fortuitous that he didn't mention the presence of the alien to Menzies on the phone. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. I'm especially glad that Menzies seems to have drawn his moral line in the sand where Moyne is concerned. And given the development in Phoebe's story, it is unlikely she'll be sympathetic to him, given the charge.

Now let's just get back to fixing Lois and Clark! Lois seems so lost, and I hope Clark can help. Big hugs to them both. I want more, and I want it now! (pretty please with sugar on top?)