
Love it!


Hopefully Moyne still thinks Clark is dead
He's trying to find Lois. If the alien is dead, why would she go to Smallville?

I'm not going to comment directly on anything else you said, Laura, but I will say that I really enjoy how speculation weaves in and out of what I have planned smile


The way the dialogue flowed
I remember writing this scene, and it was really easy. It doesn't happen often - probably three scenes since the beginning of Junction - but when scenes just flow, writing is such fun.

I still had to edit it many times, but the basics were there in about half an hour of flying fingers.

LolaDane It wasn't a particularly nice cliffy - but I'm glad you like the fic.


Moyne won't see Clark and won't know he is alive.
See reply to Laura.

Both with regard to Moyne believing Clark is alive and with regard to FDK speculation sometimes coming so close to where I am going.

MozartMaid Progress ... and then Moyne. But it is called 'Trail' - meaning a sometimes-difficult path.


there would be a lot more of the gremlins above
Apparently there is a limit of 15!!

Emily Nice dream!!

I would love to respond more fully to some of the things you've said. Perhaps in four or five parts, you should come back and read your FDK here, and you'll know what I mean.

It's Thursday morning for me. I have a lot I *should* be doing, but nothing I *have* to do. And I did leave Lois facing Moyne ...

Bellarase Moyne is always unpleasant.

Many thanks for the FDK everyone. Sorry about the cliffy. Well, not really, but you know what I mean.
