
I thought Clark was going to have to spill the beans.
Clark was never very good at the excuses - and this is very early in him being Superman.

DW It's true that Clark hardly knows Lois, but he's worked out enough that she's a good person to go to when he needs advice about being Superman!

MozartMaid Alisha said I could include *the* revelation if I wanted to, but I thought it was a bit early for that.

Laura Yes, Lois is blind. But I have never thought that two people in my life could actually be one person! It's not something that happens a lot. wink

Emily I really wasn't sure about that intro scene - wondering if it gave away too much!

AntiK You were right about why Lois wanted the partnership!


Is there any chance of getting TMTY in the same frequency?
No. Sorry. wink

I did wonder why he hasn't left already.
He's been Superman for nine days. Lifting a single shuttle into space is probably only a matter of strength and balance. Dealing with 300 rioting teenagers with hostages is probably a step up wink

And he knows that if he leaves, Lois will, too.

Kathy Obviously it's hard in a first person story to get across the thoughts of the other person (particularly when the other person has a big secret that the first person doesn't know!)

I figured time wasn't such a huge issue for Clark. He left with about seven minutes to go - for someone with his speed, that wasn't really pushing it.

His issues were what to do when he got there, how to keep Lois safely in her apartment, and how to get out without telling her his biggest secret.


Putting Clark in a quandry is half of the fun!

Thanks, everyone!
