Oh, I absolutely loved the paragraph where Lois thinks on how different Clark now seems from the prisoner she first saw, and yet she realizes that he is the same, always Clark. It was beautiful...and so true in any L&C story!

You did a fabulous job on portraying Clark's trouble with conversation, interaction, and physical touch. I would imagine after Trask, Moyne, and all the Kryptonite torture, any gesture, move, or touch could be construed as an attack almost by habit, and I loved how you brought that out. It also, by contrast, shows how much he trusts Lois in that he allows her to touch him much more freely.

Wayne is certainly a very good neighbor, and it was nice to see him come through for Clark. He needs some good turns after all the bad that has been happening to him for the last seven years.

I think Lois bringing him here was a great idea. He's been brainwashed into believing Trask's viewpoint of him--he needs to be reminded that he did live for twenty-one years as a Human and did well. Already I've seen progress, and it'll be nice to see him start remembering everything that came before the prison and the Kryptonite.

Can't wait for more. Thanks!