I'm glad to see you returning to this story. It's a very original (and slightly uncomfortable) alt ending for a very aggravating story arc.

I also loved the interaction between Lois and Clark and am interested to see where their investigation will take them. I'm laughing out loud that Henderson seemed to assign them with people who understand they'll need to do something about their situation, not just hang around and wait for others to take care of things.

I'd forgotten that Clark was re-developing his powers in this new body. It's an interesting twist. I wonder how the world will react to two more (apparent) Kryptonian superheroes arriving after Superman's disappearance?

It also makes me wonder whether you'll eventually help them get sorted out into different bodies, or whether you'll leave them to adjust to this reality for the rest of their lives. I'm looking forward to the next part.


ETA: Oh, I forgot to mention that I found it very sad that Sam and Ellen weren't told the truth about their daughter's demise/transformation. True, they'd probably handle the revelation about as well as they did Clark's secret in "Family Hour", but it still made me feel bad for them. Thank goodness that Martha and Jonathan (and Henderson!) know. Just like with Clark's secret, it allows both Lois and Clark some degree of normality in this mad, topsy-turvy world you've created.