Evelyn Flying, working together ... it's sounding a bit like canon eek

Laura Thanks for your enthusiasm, Laura. I hope to post Part 7 tomorrow.

Iolanthe Yeah, the flying makes it definitive. Lois doesn't seem terribly fazed though!

I know how hard this is for Clark
little by little
Very true.

MozartMaid The gifts - I was a little surprised that no one guessed before I posted. Perhaps others were thinking romantically, and I was thinking practically. wink

Vicki I think I've said this before - but it's always a smile1 moment for me when someone gets the reasoning that is hovering just below the surface.

DW Again - thanks for seeing that the wallet and watch were far more than mere items.

AntiK I want to reply, but everything I decide to say is just too close to posting a spoiler. Thanks for the comments!

Cristina So glad you're still reading.

Lois Lane can probably wear down anything - even Clark's distrust and uncertainty about the future.


Wonder how long it took him to realize that flying fast isn't always a good idea
I think he's already realised it - but he's a gentleman!


Hmm, so it seems to me that if I ask for something in the feedback thread, then our fair author responds with it in the next section... this could be fun. Ok, next I'd like..
Yes? wink

Huge thanks to everyone. For reasons that aren't clear to me, the output has slowed the past couple of days huh Your FDK is very encouraging and keeps me plugging away, even when the words aren't flowing.
