Another wonderful part! I loved how Clark began to question Lois about the message and how he figured out what Menzies' goal was. It's definitely nice seeing him coming out of his shell toward that very smart investigative reporter we all know is in there.

'Free to be Clark again.' You're very good at short sentences that really hammer in exactly what the character is feeling.

The gifts were perfect. Though I was expecting something in a completely different vein, these were so much more appropriate. It was heartbreaking to see how much these simple accessories that everyone takes so much for granted meant to Clark.

The flying scene was just perfect--his trepidation warring with anticipation and her total lack of fear in favor of excitement. I was almost cheering when Clark actually volunteered to fly back on his own to look for roadblocks, and I laughed out loud when Lois realized how fast he was.

And the concluding realization--or reminder--that he loved Lois was so sweet and is definitely leading to more that I know I'm going to absolutely love.

Thanks so much--I can't wait for more!