Thanks for reading and leaving feedback!

Watching this episode, I was always struck by how gracefully Clark handled his 'powerlessness,' and how mature Lois was with the powers. Before this story, I wasn't planning on writing any Lois&Clark stories, but I felt so much watching the episode that I just had to write this down, and now I'm having too much fun to stop! laugh

I'm glad you guys comment on the characterization since I try very hard to capture them in the right way. If I ever get it wrong, please don't be afraid to say so! blush

And I also love putting in those small details--it makes it a lot funner for me.

Since you've mentioned it, Mozartmaid, I have now been thinking about a story set in Just Say Noah--as if I didn't have enough to think about with the other three stories I'm working on! smile I'll see what I can come up with!

I love all the quotes--it's great when people like your words so much they'll actually repeat them!

Thanks again, everyone, for commenting!