So cute! Made me think of a few for Lois:

Lois Lane’s New Year’s Resolutions:
1.) Will try to at least take a cooking class… take-out gets expensive.
2.) Will try not to call on Superman for every little emergency—I can usually manage on my own anyway and if not, Clark can be pretty handy as well.
3.) Will not begrudge Clark if he gets a Kerth nomination this year… unless it’s for that story about the orphanage—that cannot possibly beat out my---No. Will accept whatever nominations there are this year with grace.
4.) Will follow Clark next time he gives me a stupid excuse for disappearing… I swear he’s hiding something…

Happy New Year!!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink