Yay, you're finally ready to post this one! I think I'll actually try reading in segments -- now don't you go AWOL on me and make me regret my decision! goofy

“Haven’t you noticed? Clark’s in love with her!”

“He is?”

“Head over heels!” Martha informed him.

“Well, why hasn’t he done anything about it?”

Martha sighed. “Because he’s Clark.
LOL, now that's a classic conversation!

Why on earth would she think that Lois Lane would have any interest in discussing Clark Kent’s love life with her?
Gee, Lois, you think maybe because you go around the bend every time a pretty woman even glances Clark's way? Do the names Antoinette Bains, Cat Grant and Toni Taylor mean anything to you? I'd think you'd be salivating at this opportunity. wink

“I’m sure he’s fine,” she replied bracingly. “When he meets the right woman, he’ll have no problem.”

“Well, that’s just it,” Martha said instantly, in a confiding tone. “He has. And he does.”
Ah, Martha ... and Lois thinks she's a pro at manipulation. You've got her right where you want her. wink

His shirts frequently clashed with his jackets, and his ties clashed with everything.
Hey, I like his ties! LOL!

She could transform Clark into a smart, well-dressed and sophisticated guy. No problem!
Watch out, Clark! It's like "What Not To Wear", "Date Patrol" and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" all rolled into one story! LOL! (Though maybe that should be "Straight Eye for the Gorgeous Guy" in this context. wink )

Great start, Wendy ... I'm looking forward to part 2!

Kathy (who clearly watches way too much TLC for her own good goofy )