

I seem to have been pretty compost mentalist (as my husband would say) at the time though, because I got my priorities right and insisted on making sure I didn't miss out on any Tank stories. laugh

Or maybe it was an impostor rat. Well, it could happen.

Also, any implication about me being able to sneak out of my cage and go helicoptering escapading is a complete lie! Honest, Bernie. Wouldn't think of it. <insert angelic and sincere icon here>

Actually, my fellow lab buddies and I formed a group once to try it, but after six months we gave up. Bernie's too smart for us. Honest, Bernie, you are. Plus we spent the first five and a half months trying to agree on a name for our escape committee, which cut down on our actual trying to escape time.

In the end, Cat-Scragger Henry said we should call ourselves Covert Rodent Agent which point the rest of us decided sod this for a game of soldiers and scragged him. Which was actually more fun than lying on your back chewing the bars anyway.

No, we lead a quiet life in the labs. No adventures at all.

Honest, Bernie.

Huh? Lockpick? What lockpick? Oh, that lockpick? Gosh, how did that get in here? Must have been that tabby down in block C. Always was a troublemaker that one...

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers