Hello, FOLCs! I'm ba-a-a-ck!

Marcus, I am indeed familiar with Cat-Tails, and I must thank you for sending me in that direction some time last year. This version of the Amazon Princess is not deliberately modeled after that one, but I know that there are some similarities.

Thank you for the applause, Michael.

Lara, sorry that I'm stepping on one of your favorites. I'm not doing it just to bug anyone, I promise. There is a method to my madness.

Mozartmaid, this Wonder Woman is not like the TV series or most of the comics versions. The blame for this twist on her character lies solely with me.

Thanks for reading and guessing, EvelynC. You're not too far off on some of your speculations, but I'll be cruel and not reveal which parts are closer than others. And I'm glad you like it.

Thanks for the comment, Deja Vu. In several versions of Wonder Woman in the comics, Hippolyta didn't get along with Diana for various reasons, but I don't remember anything quite this severe. We'll see what happens next.

Next chapter coming up in moments!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing