Superman flew over the city, watching both for crime and for a half-dressed, slightly nutty Amazon Princess.
Hahahah. Don't worry, that slightly nutty gal will find you!

Oh, yes, it was a ‘piece of cook.’
Hahahaha. I'd much rather have a piece of cake than a piece of a cook. :p

Either Superman used a space within the structure for his personal storage, or Clark Kent was also Superman.

She disliked both of those possible explanations.
Shouldn't been so mean to Clark Kent either way! :p

She could almost taste Superman’s lips on hers – after a suitable three-day mourning period, of course.
*snort* Of course.

Ah, the plot is thickening! WW is rather conniving, ain't she? It'll be great when everything falls down around her. Strangely, I don't really dislike WW--she just seems severely misguided. Guess she didn't pick up mommy's nicer morals...

Looking forward to the next chapter, as always!