
There are multiple reasons for Clark not moving - here's one.

Clark Kent lives in Metropolis. Superman is seen mostly in Metropolis. No coincidence there - Metropolis is a big city.

Then Clark Kent moves to Melbourne - a much smaller city in a sparsely populated country. Superman begins to be seen in Melbourne. Suddenly, there is a coincidence. Someone, Perry or Mayson, would be likely to twig.

If Clark is in Melbourne, he would be aware of many more 'jobs for Superman' in Melbourne than Metropolis. He would hear sirens, see things etc. (I deliberately avoided this happening in the fic, but I was surprised that no one questioned about it.) Disasters could happen in Metropolis and he might not know. Over time, Superman *would* be seen more and more in Melbourne and less and less in Metropolis.

Metropolis for Clark is the place where he was finally able to settle. Superman has been accepted there. He feels a commitment to Perry and the DP. He has friends there - Jimmy and others.

And re the cliffhangers - I have to stop the part somewhere. Usually other factors (length, progressing the story enough) take priority over deliberately setting up cliffhangers - particularly those not going anywhere.

Evelyn I didn't want to describe the wedding now, only to describe it again when it's actually happening. It will be in Part 68.

DW No, it wasn't nice - but this way, the wedding will be more of surprise. smile

Artemis I don't think Perry could be convinced to ask Clark to come home.

Michael The month thing is true - you have to advise of 'Intent to Marry'. However, there are ways around it. wink


For some reason I keep thinking Lois is going to want to get married in her Hawthorn jersey
Now *there's* an idea. Everyone looks better in brown and gold. wink

Thanks so much for the FDK everyone. I'm so glad that you're still reading.
