More fun in Smallville... and loved this scene:
"I'm sure it will," Lois said easily. "But Clark and I were here first."

Lana turned to look at Lois with a genuinely surprised expression. "I'm sorry?"

"I said Clark and I were here first," Lois said, daring the other woman to make an issue of it.

Lana turned to Clark with a hurt expression. "Oh, Clark, I'm cold, waiting in this wind."

"So am I," Lois said. "And we were here first."

Clark said nothing and Lois couldn't read his expression, but she had no intention of backing down now.

Lana glanced at her, and Lois wasn't surprised to see that the sweet smile was masking an angry glare. "Clark won't mind, will you, Clark?" She looked confidently back at Clark. "Maybe your girlfriend doesn't understand who I am."

"I'm sure she does," Clark said. Lois thought the corners of his mouth twitched.

But the underlying threats of something bad about to happen are getting to me!
Hope to read more soon (and glad you are feeling better!!)

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink