As one of Rac's beta readers I was pleased and honored to have worked with her all these years.

I'd also like to commend Rac for her dogged determination to finish the trilogy through job changes, work overload and now moving to another continent. Many times there were months where no parts were posted but she never gave up. When real life relaxed its hold on her she jumped right back into the story, never missing a beat. Many times I had to go back and re-read previous sections so I'd remember where we'd left off so I know it had to be tough for her too.

I don't know about most readers but unfinished stories, especially of MANY, MANY parts, are a real hot button with me. I've invested a lot of time in a complex story only to be abandoned. While there may be valid reasons for this it is still very frustrating for me as the reader. Rac never did that and that makes her unique in our fandom, at least in my opinion, and she deserves whatever accolades she garners, as I'm sure there will be many.

Thanks again, Rac, for allowing me the opportunity to work on this trilogy with you. It has been my great pleasure.
