A wonderful part. Like Terry, I think this fantastic epos is drawing to a close. Odysseus, you've got nothing on Clark Kent.

And speaking of which...

‘I am Clark Kent,’ he said silently to himself, repeating the beginnings of the mantra he’d said over and over again when he’d been Nor’s prisoner, the silent affirmation that he had no intention of meekly surrendering to the darkened night. ‘I have a mother and a father and a wife and children who love me dearly. I will not die because they need me.’
Indeed. He will not die because they need him, and he will not kill, not when it isn't absolutely necessary, because that would also kill him in every way that matters. That was so poignant and so lovely.

I, too, loved seeing Jon as a thoughtful big brother!

But unlike Terry, I don't think Ultra Woman will have stretch marks. Surely her invulnerability will take care of those? As for being a bit top-heavy, though... well, I'm not so sure she won't be! laugh
