I have to wonder how much of this story is going to differ from the parameters we know, so to speak. laugh I mean, we know that Sam and Ella had an unhappy marriage and were divorced, but that isn't true here. We also know that Linda and Paul were most disagreeable characters. Is that going to be true here, I wonder?

I noted that you had Lois miss a semester of school due to a bad car accident. Smart choice. I can't see Lois' parents home school her, as busy and wrapped up in their careers as they appeared to be.

(But I have to wonder why it was so important that she should miss a semester of school. Well, obviously it has to do with disrupting the timing of something - perhaps something Clark-related?)

And Clark tried to stop Lois from boarding a plane, and when that failed he was going to incercept her in Brazzaville, but then she's gone! Has she really left the plane in Rome or Casablanca? Or has the unravelling started already, taking Lois with it from the plane? shock shock shock
