Hey everyone,

Thanks for your comments!

Terry, glad to see you enjoyed this section and Clark's interaction with the young cop. I figure if Superman tells you that he benefited from talking to a shrink, you might not be as reluctant to do so - I mean, who's manlier and tougher than Superman, right? The next chapter is coming up.

Oh, DW, when are recurring nightmares not a bad sign in this story? wink

Glad you approved, Ann, especially given your wariness of A plots. I felt this thread just couldn't be left hanging loose indefinitely.

Hi Michael. The scene with Judy was my favorite part of this section. It was a lot of fun to write Superman with a sense of humor.

Thanks for your comments, Artemis. Glad you liked that exchange.

Flowerpot, thank you for taking the time to comment. And I did a little brushing up on the "One Country, Two Systems" policy to try to get at least the basic details right. I've always been fascinated by the fact that Beijing either cannot or will not integrate Hong Kong or Macau into the broader Chinese systems because they function so well as they are.

More is coming up!

