Thanks all for the feedback. :-) When I first told Corrina that I had an idea for a new story, "evil" was definitely one of the words I used to describe it.
Originally posted by HappyGirl:
And we saw a glimpse of him in the other universe.
That's it exactly. My starting point for this story was to wonder how Alt-Clark's life would have unfolded had "our" Lois not visited him. I didn't want to write a lengthy, serious story -- that would have been waaaay too depressing for my tastes; hence this little vignette with a twist. (Gee, can you tell that I enjoy O. Henry type story endings? wink )

This story was a first for me in three different ways -- my first story with Lana, my first next-gen story, and my first alternate universe story, Or should that be "alternate alternate universe story," since my story deviates from the canonical alternate universe?

And I agree with HappyGirl's comment:
Where is Tempus when Clark needs him?
Even Tempus' actions can be a force for good, however unwittingly on Tempus' part.

I think I'll go back into hiding now while others read this evil story. peep wink
