So this is the first story I've read here on the boards...and wow, what a way to start!! I loved Clark's gift to her last year; that saying is so perfectly Lois! You did a great job of getting inside Lois's head, showing us the pain she was feeling at first, with no one remembering her birthday, and her regrets about Clark. And the Scrabble game was a stroke of genius - perfect way to stick with the theme of "words," and I love how you planned it all out, right down to the words they each used and their positions on the board! Finally, when he laid down the "I love you," I have to admit my heart let out a little "squee!" Too sweet for words! <3 And I laughed out loud at the last line...way to throw in the Big Revelation as well!

And Happy [belated] Birthday to Lynn! smile


"Being with you is stronger than me alone."