I'm so bone-tired that I'm not much good at leaving any sort of FDK, but I have to tell you how much I loved this!

Since I am so tired, however, I'm going to ask you to read Michael's FDK and imagine that I was sitting right behind him when he wrote it, murmuring "mmm-hmmm", "yes," "I'll say" and so on. (Like I was a nutty old teacher showing off my most brilliant pupil and letting him speak for me - sorry, Michael!!! I'm joking!! Really!!! thumbsup

I also heartily second Dandello's post! What she said, Corrina!

So let me add a little bit of my own, too. I loved, loved, loved that Clark regained some of his strength by concentrating on Lois. I adore the fact that he was able to do that. So it's not canon, but so what? Superman is completely impossible anyway, so why not give him one more superpower, the ability to be powered by his own super-romantic super-love for his soulmate, his one and only love, Lois Lane! sloppy sloppy sloppy
