
Why does everyone always write Clark as a total idiot and fool.

Why do all writers assume everyone is stupid enough to give hostage takers what they ask for?
If we all do it, perhaps it's close to RL/canon.

Until Clark showed himself Trask couldn't do anything.
You mean other than doing what he'd threatened to do - kill the hostages?

Or have a Press conference from Paris or London expressing his full trust in the Metropolis Police Department and the FBI.
I thought about answering this by writing a scene where Clark, from the comfortable distance of London, has his press conference expressing his full trust in the MPD. Of course, the scene sort of comes to a nasty end when he's informed that they tried to negotiate with Trask, who responded by killing Perry and Jimmy. They then barged in and ten others were killed in the crossfire.

And that takes the fic in a whole new direction.


Trask is a total and dangerous wacko, as usual.
I'm glad that came through. (It gets worse!)

Clark had never experienced Kryptonite before, right?
From part 12 ...

"Dad," Clark said, restraining his chuckle. "They can say this stuff, but they can't actually hurt me. Not physically." And, he added silently, there is only one other person whose opinion really matters, and miraculously, she had already made up her mind that Superman isn't someone to be feared.

"What if they've discovered more of the green rock?"

Clark felt the little outbreak of apprehension that always accompanied the memory of the only physical pain he had ever experienced. "You wrapped the green rock in lead, and I tossed it far into space," he reminded them. "Trask is a government agent, but that doesn't mean he can retrieve little green pebbles from the vastness of space."

His attempted joke fell flat. Clearly, his parents were worried. "What if there's more of it?" Jonathan persisted.

"More?" Clark said, his throat tightening despite his belief that there was virtually no chance that Trask could have found more of the green rock.

Martha stood abruptly, and from the shelf, she took a copy of the Daily Planet. Clark recognised it as the same edition that Lois had given him. The picture on the front was truly appalling. His mom smacked the paper on the table, opened it, and pointed at a column. "A quote from Trask," she said bleakly. "'Government scientists have discovered the weakness in this alien race. Despite seeming to be invulnerable, the secret to their strength has been uncovered, and we are confident that when they attack us, we will be ready for them with the means to overpower them. This is a war we can win if we remain vigilant and refuse to be blinded by Superman's meaningless benevolent acts of charity.'" She looked up to Clark, her eyes filled with a compelling mix of fear and fury.

"Mom," Clark said. "That doesn't mean they have the green rock."

"It means they might have it," Jonathan countered.

Clark thought for a moment. "That would mean there was more to find," he conceded. "And we didn't get all of it."

"Exactly," Martha snapped. "From where we found it, and from the effect it had on you, we concluded it had come in the trail of your spaceship. Your father and I searched the whole area and gathered up all we could find, but we have no way of knowing if we got all of it."

"And," Jonathan added, "We had no way to test it, and we certainly didn't want to show it to anyone else. Science is so advanced these days, there is every possibility they could discover that the green rock is alien in origin."

"And then," Martha said as she absently poured the tea. "It's only a small leap to assume it is somehow related to Superman."
I hope that helps make it clearer!

Thanks for your comments, Artemis.

Ann He could have told her - but he didn't.

I'm glad you liked the earlier part.


Bob No, I'm not trying to drive you crazy wink !!

I will say this ... this situation will be quickly resolved.


Barging into a hostage situation when he knows Trask is utterly unstable and the SWAT team is somewhere close?
Having the SWAT team there does not guarantee there will be no casualties. And yes, Trask is utterly unstable - all the more reason for Clark to go ... rather than leaving Perry et al to the mercies of a madman.

Kathy Thanks for your comments. I think that sometimes the enormity of Clark's secret gets lost in the cry to 'just tell her'. Alisha's 'From the Ruins' is one fic where she boldly explores some of the possible negatives.

Thanks Elizabeth. Clark is cautious by nature - he hasn't told *anyone* - both in canon and in this fic.

Iolanthe That is certainly part of it. The other part is that I just can't see Clark running away when his friends are in danger.


Sarah I'll fix it. Quickly.


Actually Clark was 'observing' the situation until Trask knocked-out Dan, then the hero comes to for and he bursts in to save the day.
Exactly ... and I deliberately had Clark being more hesitant than usual because this is all new to him. The fact that Dan stood up for Mayson before Clark did - I nearly took that out - except I was trying to show Clark's uncertainty.

Clark has encountered K before (see above), but he genuinely believed Trask couldn't have any of it.

who thinks from the preview that Superman should just leave Mayson along the side of the road and head back to Australia

BTW - did you know that 'tank' is a football term? It means deliberately playing poorly (and losing games) in order to qualify for early draft picks. eg. Richmond are tanking.


Can we get part 23 very soon? Like tomorrow (Wednesday) sometime? Pretty please?
I have 90 mins before my son gets home from school. I'll read it again, and if it's OK, I'll post.

Cristina Re the line you quoted. I wasn't sure about it, but it got a positive response from my BRs, so I left it in. You've confirmed their assessment. Thanks.

Michael Are they all chasing me? And if they are, should I run away? (And not post the next part!!!)



ETA - Laura I can't see Clark just leaving Perry and the others to the mercies of Trask. Trask is demanding Superman comes or he will kill the hostages. Stupid or not, if Clark had ignored the situation, I think that would have been totally out of character.