Hi Evelyn,

Thank you for your comments and your analysis. :-)

Unfortunately, "my" Lois hadn't figured it out yet -- she was still mentally referring to Clark as Superman when he was in the suit, and was still clearly thinking of him in a very different way than she would Clark. (She'd seen Clark be sheepish numerous times, before, for example.) Plus, the whole puzzle thing was to try to re-build her self-esteem as an investigative reporter; but at the same time Clark gives her the last piece of it, he is, in essence, telling her that she needed to be handed the key to his secret identity -- that he thought she wouldn't figure it out otherwise. (At least, I think that's what Lois would believe, whether or not it was true.) She couldn't help but react badly to that.

At least, that's how I see it; so an epilogue by me would ruin the feel of the story. But if you wish, or anyone else who thinks her reaction would be more positive wishes, to write an epilogue, be my guest! smile