My thanks to my inestimable BR Corrina (Female Hawk) for reading and re-reading this story and providing many helpful suggestions for improvement.

Perhaps I should have waited until December to post it, to make the end of the story seasonal; but frankly, I didn't want to hold onto it for over half a year. At least the start of the story takes place more-or-less at this time of year.

The idea for this story came to me when I read Wendy Richard's "A Valentine\'s Rendezvous" . In it, a secret admirer (Clark) gives Lois ten roses. When I read that, my first thought was, "Of course! How brilliant! He would give her the eleventh rose as Clark and the final one as Superman, or vice versa, thereby revealing his secret to her." Well, my supposition for why there were ten roses turned out to be wrong, but I thought it would be a terrific idea for a story I'd like to write. I didn't want to go with the flowers, though, lest my story become too much like Wendy's. After a bit of thought, I came up with the story as I have posted it. I hope you enjoyed it. As always, all feedback welcomed.
