Hi, gang! Thanks for the neat feedback on this whatchamacallit.

Malu, no medication this time. I was stone cold sober. (Maybe a little sleepy, but no drugs, I promise!)

C-mom, no pizza either. But you got three of the four sources on the first try. (The last one was the winter Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue; that's where the inspiration for the ladies' outfits came from. And no, I don't subscribe, but it's hard to get away from some elements of popular culture.)

Ann, thanks for the detailed feedback. I remember Otto too, and there were times when I laughed at the movie on TV reruns and no one else in the room did. I guess I just have a manic sense of humor.

Seme, it was really weird. I think the weirdest part for me was choosing which parts to skip. There are some great scenes left on the cutting room floor.

For those who still remember the "Road" saga, I'm working on the third installment. The muses are sulking right now and I'm trying to figure out how to get them to talk to me. Oh, well, they'll come around eventually.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing