I read your first chapter but somehow missed the fdk thread so I can't help adding my story.

When my daughter was born in '92, they gave me a very strong epidural (because the anesthesiologist wanted to go home, I think). Then during the delivery her heart rate dropped and they discovered that there was a knot in her cord. The ob said that was the first time she had ever seen a knot that did not require an emergency C-section. But they were concerned about her and took her away for so long that I remember ordering my husband to go get her, because I couldn't move my lower body or I would have gotten up and gone myself. And, despite my specific orders, they gave her a bottle while she was gone. So although I was ready to breastfeed, when I finally got to hold her she latched on as if I was a bottle and it took quite a bit of fighting before she nursed correctly.

So I think a lot depends on your medical staff, and what they believe is important. This wasn't a rural hospital, it was in a suburb of Washington DC.