Thanks for your comments, everyone.

I know what you mean, Cookiesmom, about the other shoe dropping. Who knows what's coming up next?

Evelyn, I know, I'm terrible about letting my characters just be happy. I don't know why I can't just let things be. wink

Hi Artemis. If you've been reading too long, it's because I've been writing too long. wink Thanks for your comments.

Iolan, I agree that Lois shouldn't even think these things, let alone say them out loud. Doesn't she know she's tempting fate?

Thanks for reading and commenting, Ann. There will be some B-plot coming up soon, I promise!

Thanks for your comments, DW.

Hi Amber. Hmm....I don't know if they can get Johnny's phone records. That's why he was using a pay as you go cell phone. If I were him, I'd be paranoid about my phone being tapped, too.

Michael, thanks for your comments. There should be more in the next few days.

I just want to give all of you a little notice as to what's going to be going on with my posting schedule. I'm about to move overseas for work for two years. I'll have internet access and I'll be able to keep writing and posting, but there might be a period of a few weeks during which time I won't be posting. I will try to get Part 35 up before I go.

